====== Installation - Local via apt ====== ===== Security ===== * Whilst we are confident in the safety of the code, no system is risk-free. Nearly all software has bugs. Use your best judgement before storing highly confidential information in ITFlow. * Need to report a security issue? Check the [[https://github.com/itflow-org/itflow/security/policy|security policy]]. * **ITFlow comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law**. ===== Install Overview ===== ITFlow runs on most "standard" Linux web servers. For the core functionality, you just need Apache, a database (MariaDB is **highly** recommended over MySQL) and PHP. - Install a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MariaDB & PHP) - Create a SQL database, username & password - Clone ITFlow (https://github.com/itflow-org/itflow.git) in your web directory root - Point your browser to https://itflow.yourdomain.com - Go! There's also [[https://github.com/itflow-org/itflow_install_script/blob/main/itflow_install.sh|a script]] that automates this process for you and uses Let's Encrypt certificates. The script also takes care of setting up [[cron|cron]]. ===== Debian Setup Guide ===== //This guide assumes you want to install ITFlow to the default ''/var/www/html/'' directory, adjust this as required if you're using vhosts.// **Update apt** * ''sudo apt update'' **Install Apache** * ''sudo apt install apache2 -y'' **Install MariaDB** * ''sudo apt install mariadb-server -y'' //NOTE: We **highly recommend MariaDB** over MySQL. They are very similar but some pages do not load properly when using MySQL.// **Install PHP** * ''sudo apt install php php-intl php-imap php-mailparse php-mysqli php-curl php-gd php-mbstring libapache2-mod-php -y'' **Install Git & whois** * ''sudo apt install git whois -y'' **Harden your Linux installation** //As a starting point:// * MariaDB: ''sudo mysql_secure_installation'' * UFW: ''sudo ufw allow ssh'' & ''sudo ufw allow "Apache Full"'' & ''sudo ufw enable'' * Setup [[fail2ban|Fail2Ban]] * Consider setting up a web app firewall, like [[https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity|ModSecurity]] **Enable PHP** //(hint: hit tab after typing php to get a suggested version number)// * ''sudo a2enmod php8.3'' **Adjust PHP File Upload Limits** * ''sudo nano /etc/php/{PHP VERSION}/apache2/php.ini'' - Adjust: * ''upload_max_filesize = 500M'' * ''post_max_size = 500M'' **Enable SSL** * ''sudo a2enmod ssl'' **Add public/private TLS keys.** //You could also use LetsEncrypt, but setting this up is beyond the scope of this guide.// * Place public key at: ''/etc/ssl/certs/public.pem'' * Place private key at: ''/etc/ssl/private/private.key'' **Adjust Apache's default SSL config** to reflect the location of your keys: * ''sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf'' - Adjust: * ''SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/certs/public.pem'' * ''SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/private.key'' **Check Apache config** * ''sudo apachectl configtest'' **Enable the 00-default site** * ''sudo a2ensite default-ssl'' **Reload Apache Service** to apply the changes * ''sudo systemctl reload apache2'' **Test: HTTP & HTTPS** * Check you can access the default Apache page using HTTP & HTTPS **Configure Apache to redirect HTTP to HTTPS** * ''sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf'' * Add the line ''Redirect permanent / https://itflow.yourdomain.com/'' (or similar) under the VirtualHost for port 80 **Log in to the database** * ''sudo mysql -u root'' **Create a new database for ITFlow** * ''MariaDB> CREATE DATABASE itflow;'' * ''MariaDB> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'' **Setup a user for the ITFlow app** * ''MariaDB> CREATE USER 'itflow'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'supersecurepassword';'' * ''MariaDB> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on itflow.* to 'itflow'@'localhost';'' * ''exit'' **Clone ITFlow to the Apache web directory** * ''cd /var/www/html'' * ''rm index.html'' * ''git clone https://github.com/itflow-org/itflow.git .'' **Set the web folder to be owned by Apache's www-data user** * ''sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html'' **Set web folder & git permissions** * ''sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html'' * ''sudo git config --system --add safe.directory '*''' **Run through the initial setup by navigating to your web server using HTTPS** * Provide the database name, username, and password you set up earlier when prompted **Once complete, tidy up the webserver permissions** //(The Apache/www-data user needs access to edit files as it self-updates using Git)// * ''sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html'' * ''sudo chmod 640 /var/www/html/config.php'' **Done!** ---- ==== ITFlow on Windows is unsupported ==== Whilst it is //technically possible// to install ITFlow on Windows, we do not recommend this and cannot offer support for it. Many PHP functions simply do not work properly on Windows.