Troubleshooting & Gathering Logs

If you're having issues with ITFlow, please reach out on the Forum - in addition to the main developers, we have active community members that can help solve your problem. When raising an issue in the Forum, select the tag 'Support' unless you're certain the issue is a bug.

Monthly donators may alternatively log tickets in the private support portal.

Basic Info

At a minimum, please tell us:

If you're still able to access ITFlow, we have a page at /admin_debug.php that allows you to easily provide the technical info.

Error Logs

It is usually helpful if you can provide specific error logs generated as a result of the issue. To do this:

  1. SSH to your server
  2. Tail the Apache2 error log by typing:
    tail -F /var/log/apache2/error.log
  3. Perform the action that causes the issue/bug
  4. Copy any new errors that are logged into your bug report