Table of Contents


A Fantastic Free and Opensource Web Hosting Control Panel

Admin Level

Install HestiaCP

Install PHP Mods

These modules are not installed as part of the default HestiaCP Install

Create User

  1. Login to HestiaCP as admin https://host.yourdomain.ext:8083
  2. Create Normal user with bash shell access - it defaults to no login
  3. Logout as admin

User Level

Create Web Domain

  1. Login as newly created user
  2. Click Create Web Domain
  3. Enter your FQDN - for example
  4. Click Save
  5. Edit the newly created Web Domain
  6. Click Enable SSL for this domain and the 3 options under it should be checked as well.
    1. Use Let's Encrypt to obtain SSL certificate
    2. Enable automatic HTTPS redirection
    3. Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. Click Save

Create Database

  1. Click DB
  2. Click Add Database
  3. Name the database
  4. create username for database you can use the same name as the database name for simplicity
  5. make a secure password
  6. Click Save

Pull down ITFlow install files

  1. Login with your new user via ssh - ssh username@host.domain.ext
  2. Change to Web root Directory cd /home/[USERNAME]/web/[HOST.DOMAIN.EXT]/public_html
  3. Delete HestiaCP automatic created files rm * - This will delete index.html and robots.txt
  4. Install ITFlow files via git - git clone . - Do not forget the . at the end

Follow Web Install Process

Setup Cron Jobs

  1. Log back into HestiaCP
  2. Click Cron
  3. Add each of the Cron Jobs in the documentation here

Tweaks (Optional)
