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This is an old revision of the document!

Contribute Code

If you are able to make a contribution that would make ITFlow better for everyone, please fork the repository and create a pull request.

We have moved to using two main branches:

  1. master - The main codebase for all installs, updated monthly
  2. develop - The active development branch, all PRs should be merged here

For large changes/new features, please ensure to discuss the issue/idea with other contributors on the Forum first. This saves everyone time.


  1. Fork the Project on GitHub
  2. Clone the development branch: (git clone –branch develop
  3. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b my-feature)
  4. Commit your Changes (git add something.txt && git commit -m 'Add some')
  5. Push to the Branch (git push origin my-feature)
  6. Open a Pull Request, adusting the base from master to develop

General Guidance

  • Review the code standards and the code of conduct
  • Discuss changes with the community first
  • The core maintainers of ITFlow are Sysadmins just like you! If you've got an idea of something you'd like to change in ITFlow, give it a try!
  • If you need some help with using Git/GitHub, this article is a great resource.
  • Don't test on production; run a separate ITFlow instance for development
  • Have some patience, this is a volunteer project

ITFlow, along with all contributions, is licensed under the GNU GPL. By contributing you grant us a perpetual & irrevocable license to include your work in ITFlow - on behalf of the community, thank you.

Other ways to contribute

There are other ways to contribute to ITFlow:

  • Help out with the documentation
  • Share your experience / methodologies / tactics using ITFlow on the forum to inspire others
  • Report bugs and raise feature requests
  • Tell others in the industry of your success using ITFlow to manage your clients (but please don't spam)